Monday, November 24, 2008

Can my paper be done now?

The library and Harry Potter are our friends. The papers that we are supposed to be writing are not.

Thanksgiving week does tend to make a college campus quiet, with students ducking out of classes early to go home and others crowding into the library to try to get done those last couple of papers before the holiday. I am definitely of the latter group, though I am really looking forward to this trip to New York on Wednesday. I still have much to do before then, including buying something for my friend's parents who invited me to their house and surviving the pre-Thanksgiving party on Tuesday night. First of course is the work that I have to get done before then. Tibet has never quite seemed so boring.

I have mixed feelings about this holiday season, spending it with the family of someone else when I could be spending it by myself. I think that all-in-all this will be a good thing though, since it is definitely my first time to get to go to New York, and I would be insane to pass up an almost entirely paid vacation. Besides, my friends are nice, and I'm sure that I wouldn't have been invited if I wasn't really welcome. I just don't know how this is going to quite fit in with my studying and my papers and things that I have to do. I know if I stayed home the chances of me actually getting work done are decent, but I also know that it would be depressing as all hell. I haven't had a Thanksgiving since freshman year, and I feel like I would really be passing something up if I decided to stay here alone this last year. I guess I will just have to work hard and pull myself together while trying to have a good time. Lest it be more than just my grades suffering at the end of this year.

Back to my paper. Ugh....

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