Thursday, November 23, 2006

A positive Thanksgiving?

The holiday season is engineered to make people think. Stuffed with carb-loaded and rich foods, it really begs you to sit around and consider life, since you aren't up for doing much else in your fattened state. Thanksgiving in particular is supposed to be all about counting the things you're grateful for. It is in this spirit that I offer up this blog.

Unlike most students, I'm staying on campus this Thanksgiving break. More than that, my one good friend who is also staying on campus with me hates Thanksgiving and all Thanksgiving food. I, on the other hand, have quite a sentimental attachment to Thanksgiving. I've always looked forward to the family and food that come with Thanksgiving. So despite the fact that I'm here alone, I'm trying very hard to be positive and thankful. I made my dinner: turkey roast, mashed potatoes, and crescent rolls--all the best parts of Thanksgiving food. I know it's no one's fault that I'm spending my first Thanksgiving alone. I just want to send out a message to all those people who's parents are willing and able to bring them home more than twice a year--be thankful for the fact that you can spend this time with the people you care about. I know we're all stressed out; exams are coming up and we're all tired and cranky from the beginning part of the semester. I know that you're all going to spend the weekend sleeping in late, eating home-cooked meals, and being annoyed by you family that you conveniently forgot was annoying while you were away. But I hope you spend at least a little bit of time thinking about how lucky you are and how thankful you should be that you have this chance to get away and unwind.

I know that this isn't much to be offering up today, but it seems to be the best I can come up with while trying to beat the migraine monkey that is currently bashing on my head. >.<

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