Friday, November 24, 2006

Isolated and Alone

Sometimes I really wish there was a device that could transcribe your thoughts for you. I was walking around campus today, looking at the empty streets and thinking about how strange it was that there were no people lined up in front of Starbucks or vending machines sitting in front of the library. In my head, it was really eloquent and well-thought out. Sitting here in front of my computer, however, I feel kind of let down by my lack of ability to describe exactly what it is I felt. If I could write a book copying down exactly what goes on in my head, I would be a published author many times over.

I rather enjoy the feeling of isolation I get walking around campus with everyone gone. The only people on the streets are quiet, caught up in their own thoughts or purposes. It's easy to imagine they aren't even there, and that you're the only person out walking, particularly if it's nighttime. I enjoy people, and I enjoy being around people, but there are just some times when being alone is the most comforting feeling in the world. The night air is cool, and when you can bundle up, you feel complete, content, alone. It's such an amazing feeling, walking without a real destination in mind, the only person on the street. I enjoy feeling that way when the rest of the world gets too busy. All the students normally on campus are just so busy, hurrying between classes and work and internships. I admit, most of the time I'm one of those students too. Walking alone at night, the isolation I feel is the most comforting feeling in the world.

And now for something completely different--
"I know what will make you feel better..."
"Oh no, Michael, not another box of dogs!"
"Another box of dogs!"

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