Monday, September 28, 2009

Preparing to leave on a jet plane

I'm looking forward to continuing my gaijin blog when I get to Korea. I always have fun trying to explain the customs and practices of another culture to friends and family back in the United States. These things, in addition to taking lots and lots of pictures, serve as a wonderful souvenir for myself and help jog memories when they get too old to come willingly.

I still haven't managed to start studying Korean, which will cause problems if I don't get started soon. I did make the effort to order a textbook to help me teach myself after I asked a couple of my friends what books they used in school. The book should be here Friday, along with a USB charger for my Nintendo DS--which appears to be the only one of my electronics that will not be able to survive the voltage of a Korean outlet. The next most important thing on my list is getting socks. You can never have too many, and right now I have far too few. I mean, what good are immunizations going to do me if I don't have socks to keep my feet dry and disease free?

I have a new found love of the state of California, which in addition to providing me with weeks of gorgeous weather and beautiful scenery is now putting my tax dollars to work in a way that I actually understand. I was worried about going to the local clinic to get a needed check-up, but when I got there I found out that not only was the appointment free of charge, but I got a year's worth of medication at no cost to me. I was so happy I made a donation--$25 is still a fraction of what I would have paid with insurance alone. I can almost forgive them for ruining my phone on this happy day.

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