Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ah, the capitalist upbringing

So we've accepted the fact that I'm absolutely insane and I don't need another journal when I can't even keep track of the three I have right now. That doesn't keep me from starting another one anyway. It's like I do it because I can....

So for those of you who missed the memo, I'm in Tokyo right now and will be for the next year. Don't bother calling the cell phone; its not going to work. However, to entertain you in the meantime, I have started a photo dump site and a new blog to commemorate all the excitement.
Go to for all the fun. There's a link to all my pictures on there.

I will continue to keep this blog running for non-Japanese related things. I just need someplace that I could show my grandparents without feeling like I was going to shame the family for all eternity.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I see London; I see France

No one ever said that I didn't suck at this. But I will try to get better. Especially since I will be in a cool new country with strange things that I can write about.

So at our weekly film series this Wednesday (The Incredibles), we were cleaning up after the brats and their parents who sat on our grass and took all our candy and lo and behold, there on the grass, is a pair of red polka dot panties. At a children's film. Is there something seriously wrong with the world that high school kids need to get freaky in public at a children's film?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Nihongo no despair

Why oh why would anyone go live in a country whose language causes their immortal soul immeasurable agony and despair?

I'm really tempted to see if my Saturday morning cartoons were correct, and that just by listening to people talk in Japanese in my sleep I can learn to speak Japanese perfectly overnight. However, if memory serves, the people the cartoons usually end up either stuck speaking in the foreign language, or are only able to speak one phrase because their CD player went on repeat for the whole night. I just can decide if I should chance it....

At any rate, here is my letter to the program. Quick, someone with an Asian-languages enabled browser and a comprehensive knowledge of Japanese read it and tell me how to make it better!

おひまな時 に、サッカをしたり、映画を見たり、本を読んだり、ベースバールを見たりします。日本の文学もすきです。えんちふみこもまつおばしょうもすきなちょさくか です。ジョージワシントン大学にいる時は、友だちとスミッソーニアンの美術館へ行きます。パーテイへよくいきません。でも、どの金曜日も、映画館へ行きま す。


Monday, May 07, 2007


With finals finally underway (ha), I can't help but be very aware of time. I have exactly 37 hours and 13 minutes until my Japanese Politics final is due. I have around 56 hours and 33 minutes until my Japanese literature exam is due. However, I also have 49 hours and 13 minutes until I may lose my sight for a few weeks, so I have to finish my J-lit exam before it is due to ensure that I actually pass the class. Minutes may seem like hours when you're waiting for someone, but they also feel like seconds when you're dreading something. And you better believe that I am dreading having to turn in the crap that I'm calling my final exams.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

I know my calculus

Very difficult to remember to post things when you have three papers due at the same time (and absolutely no desire to work on them). I'm almost through watching two seasons of Numb3rs, both of which were purchased about a week ago. This does not bode well for next weekend, when all my papers are due.

Numb3rs is proving to be very interesting. It really makes me want to become a mathematician. It also makes me wish I hadn't made such an effort to hate calculus.

Maybe I should make the effort to offer the olive branch towards math. I mean, just because Pre-cal made me want to throw sharp imaginary numbers at my teacher doesn't mean that all math is bad, right? I mean, after I get my PhD in mathematics, I could propose some radical and awesome thesis that would change the math world forever, making me famous. And then I could have an older brother (I'm thinking Brian, since he strikes me as more of the FBI type) who would call me in for his cases to help solve stuff. And then I would find all these practical applications for mathematic equations and help the FBI solve murders and fraud and all that stuff. It would be awesome. And I would be awesome. All because of a little math.

I know my calculus, and it says you + me = us.....

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

And speaking of bad grammar....

For some reason, this has provided endless amusement mixed with abject horror for at least the past month. How many of you actually know people like this? How many of you have written like this?

I recently got in an argument with someone about whether or not 'you' can be used as a plural pronoun. I threw a cookie. It was bad.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

And on the 6th day, she procrastinated....

Quick, someone tell me who started the Cold War.

I don't know why I find it so difficult to concentrate in the library. Give me a classroom with 200 of my fellow students and suddenly I have all the ideas in the world. Stick me in a nice quiet library and suddenly the most relevant thing I can come up with is something about how good it would be to have ice cream right now. How unfortunate that the Cold War wasn't some big thing between the major frozen treat makers.

I know I'll regret this later tonight when I'm still awake at 4am and trying desperately to finish my paper, but what good is sitting here for hours on end when you have no idea what to say? I'm really tempted to just find a big lecture class somewhere on campus and sit there with my computer until I come up with something inspiring. Wonder what kind of reaction that would cause?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Long overdue

Why yes, I do realize exactly how long it's been since I looked at this blog. And yes, I do intend to do something about it.


I use cheesecakes as a weapon, fyi.