Sunday, July 08, 2007

Nihongo no despair

Why oh why would anyone go live in a country whose language causes their immortal soul immeasurable agony and despair?

I'm really tempted to see if my Saturday morning cartoons were correct, and that just by listening to people talk in Japanese in my sleep I can learn to speak Japanese perfectly overnight. However, if memory serves, the people the cartoons usually end up either stuck speaking in the foreign language, or are only able to speak one phrase because their CD player went on repeat for the whole night. I just can decide if I should chance it....

At any rate, here is my letter to the program. Quick, someone with an Asian-languages enabled browser and a comprehensive knowledge of Japanese read it and tell me how to make it better!

おひまな時 に、サッカをしたり、映画を見たり、本を読んだり、ベースバールを見たりします。日本の文学もすきです。えんちふみこもまつおばしょうもすきなちょさくか です。ジョージワシントン大学にいる時は、友だちとスミッソーニアンの美術館へ行きます。パーテイへよくいきません。でも、どの金曜日も、映画館へ行きま す。


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