Thursday, March 26, 2009

still alive...ish

You know, even if I had had time to write, I'm not sure what I would have said. The past month has been busy and emotional and crazy--and every time I have a minute to myself I feel like there are a thousand things that I should be doing instead of writing. Like working on my thesis, or trying to find a job--you know, something like that. I finally have a moment sitting here in my history class when i should be paying attention to my teacher, but even now I know that I can't really focus on thinking of something provocative to say because I have to study for a vocab and grammar quiz for my next class, and after that I really should go to the library and spend a couple of hours working on things for my thesis or studying for an exam I have next week. "So much to do and so little time" seems to be the mantra by which I am currently living my life.

All in all, these things are such that no one should really want to hear about them, but they are all I can think about. Not interesting for anyone, especially me. I will have to think about what I want to say carefully, and post something in a fit of procrastination some time later this week.

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