Saturday, March 28, 2009

concentration lacking

My ability to concentrate during the day is something of a joke. No matter how long I sit here, I get out bits and pieces of what I need to be doing, but my mind is always and forever someplace else. I don't know if the better course of action is going to be to just sit here and wait it out, or to go do something else in the meantime until my attention span is longer than that of a gnat. I suppose I need to just stay where I am. Even if I'm only getting little snips done now, its better than if I were to go somewhere and just do nothing all day. I can't just wait till it gets dark outside every time I have something I need to do.

Its demoralizing not to live up to your own expectations. I've been told that I set mine too high and that I need to be more understanding of myself. I'm working on it...slowly. I definitely don't want to be one of those people who just doesn't get anything done with their life because they didn't push themselves at all to be a better person. I couldn't handle that. I just need to try to find some focus. Maybe I should start taking all that yoga stuff seriously....

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