Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Something I think about

Just in case anyone was wondering, the job market right now sucks.

I've been toying with the idea of turning this into a blog about the difficulties facing young graduates these days--a first hand account of the trials and tribulations of a former student trying to find employment. I don't know that I consider myself an ideal subject of discussion for an entire page, considering that I'm don't know if I'm a typical college graduate. I'm indecisive, I don't know exactly what I want to do with my life or where I'm really going. I have some vague general ideas and desires for my life, but in the grand scheme of things I have no clue how I'm going to get there. If there are more graduates like me, the biggest problem that I'm facing is not the lack of job opportunities that I'm qualified to fill, or the not having a clear direction for my life, but rather it is the feeling of being incapable of finding employment, the constant feeling of inadequacy. I want to write about these things but I don't know if any one would read it, or if it would help anyone but me. Just something I think about.

Still trying, still looking, still accepting any suggestions or help that anyone can throw my way. Until then I'm going to keep on chugging along....

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