Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Gaurdianship of an Angel

Last night, I had the opportunity to help out an angel. Being Halloween weekend, most of the students on the college campus were a) drunk and b) dressed up and going out to various costume parties. I was on the elevator in my dorm room, preparing to go to work, when it stops at the second floor. I'm preparing to get indignant with the person who feels the need to use the elevator from the second floor (which should not be done unless the person uses a wheelchair or is on crutches), when the door opens up to an angel.

Now, it's about 40 F outside, made even more miserable with the rain. This girl is wearing white fishnet stockings and a garter belt, and what I can only describe as a corset with a mini-skirt attached to it. She's pretty well endowed in the chestal-area, which is very noticeable since she's popping out the top of her "dress". She even has wings and a halo, both of which are very skewed. And did I mention she's obviously inebriated? She can barely stand up, which probably wasn't helped by the fact that she was wearing high heels. So when she got on the elevator, I didn't give her a hard time like I normally do--I mean really, if I was wearing shoes like that there is no way I would make it down the stairs without falling on my ass.

This angel was so drunk, it took her three tries to find her way out the elevator. I asked her wear she was going, and she told me that she was meeting her friends at outside one of the freshman dorms so they could got out to a party. I figured that if this girl had trouble with elevator doors, there was absolutely no way she was going to make it the two blocks down the street to meet her friends. Those stairs can be tricky. So I walked her down the street to the other dorm. Turns out her friends were standing outside panicking because they couldn't find her. So I returned the angel to her friends and went on to work, feeling just a little better about myself.

It took a little while for the irony of the whole situation to hit me. Now I just think it was kinda funny.

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