Wednesday, April 15, 2009

just the stress

Just gotta remind yourself, its just the stress talking...

Exactly one month from today, I will be attending the first of my two graduation ceremonies and starting down that irreversible path to adulthood. As of this moment, I have not yet found a job or an apartment, and with all the work that I'm currently putting in to school I don't really have time to find either. My entire live these past couple of weeks has been one giant crying, nauseous mess...

Of course I'm trying hard to keep my spirits up. Had a wonderful Easter with my friends and am looking forward to the joy of graduation dress shopping later this weekend. Even got myself a cute new haircut to try to improve my outlook, but its all a little difficult right now. When everything you eat makes you feel sick, and everything you do feels as though its just not good enough, its just very debilitating. I need a break, someone to throw me some help, so I can figure out what in the hell I'm doing wrong and what I can do to correct it. And unfortunately, I've got to figure this out soon, otherwise I'm going to be homeless and hopeless come May 18th...

I wish I had something happier to say, but between a long distance relationship I'm not really sure about, friends who can't wait to get out of here (and consequently leave me behind) and a mess of homework and end-of-semester shit that is quickly piling up, I feel like the happy I have is momentary and shallow. I really hope seeing my nephew next weekend will change that. I just need something to start going right.